Monday, 11 March 2013

Natural cleanser/ exfoliant and mask!! Works for ALL skin types!

DIY oatmeal face wash / exfoliator and Mask!!


If you are looking for a cheap, natural cleanser, OATMEAL (OATS) is the answer!!

You must have seen many expensive cosmetics with oats as an ingredient, but why waste so much money to gain the amazing benefits of oats mixed with other chemicals when you can use it easily at home! ;)

Benefits of oats:


OATMEAL is a natural cleanser And a gentle exfoliator..

They soothe and heal skin...

It is anti-inflammatory, protects skin from free radicals.

Exfoliates your skin gently, tighten pores as a mask.

Gives you brighter and younger looking skin and much more... ;)

 Not only this!

Oats have been clinically proven to help dry or itchy skin!


Here is how I use oats:

As a Cleanser or face wash  or exfoliator:

  • Take palm full of oats and clutch them into a fist.
  • Run it under slightly WARM water
  • Drain the excess water after the oats are saturated and use this water to wet your face.

(This will make your face soft)

  • Start rubbing your face  with this gooey mixture
  • Keep rubbing this for Full one minute
  • Wash off with Cold water to close pores for smooth and glowing skin! J

(THIS WILL EXFOLIATE YOUR SKIN AT THE SAME TIME, you don’t need anything else)


As a face mask:


  • All you need is one extra step to turn it into a mask!
  • Just leave it on for another 5-7 minutes after scrubbing it on your face
  • Wash off with cold water to close the pores of your skin.
  • DONE! 



I guarantee you softer skin right after your first use!

If you use this regularly your skin will be glowing in no time!

This will also make your skin brighter and improve your complexion!!
And it’s safe to use daily as it’s a gentle exfoliant!!!!


So what are you waiting for!???

Its cheap and the most effective recipe for your skin!

Go buy a pack of oats today and start using this without any doubts!! ^-^


AND do tell me if you tried it and how were the results!!!!


Oh, and you can use this on your whole body in place of a body scrub and your whole body will be soft and glowing!


Another way to use this is soak oats in your bath tub until the water turns whiteand now its ready to be sunk in!


Take care!

See you in my next post! ^-^


Remember to follow your dreams! J





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